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What is this, which is the hash value of an empty string in eoa and smart contract code included in ca?

What is this, which is the hash value of an empty string in eoa and smart contract code included in ca?

The hash value of an empty string in an externally owned account (EOA) and smart contract code included in a contract account (CA) is 0x0.

This is because the hash function used by Ethereum, Keccak-256, always returns the same hash value for an empty input.

When an EOA is created, its codeHash is set to the hash of an empty string. This means that EOAs do not have any code associated with them.

When a smart contract is deployed, its codeHash is set to the hash of the smart contract code. This means that smart contract accounts have code associated with them.

However, regardless of whether an account is an EOA or a smart contract account, the hash value of an empty string in the account’s code is always 0x0.

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